Get specialized dog grooming services by All sorts Doggie Day Care Townsville. Our specialists manage dog exercise programs under strict supervision
18 Reardon Street


Q:  What is your dog’s name and breed?

A:  Buddy (Jones) – Shitz Tzu

Q:  How old is your Dog?

A:  Birthday 28/9/11

Q:  What is your dog’s name and breed?

A:  Buddy (Jones) – Shitz Tzu

Q:  How old is your Dog?

A:  Birthday 28/9/11

Q:  How long have you and your dog been a pack member at Allsorts?

A:  About 4 or 5 years

Q:  What day of the week does your dog attend Allsorts?

A:  Mondays and Wednesdays (plus Friday if Monday is a holiday!)

Q: What is your dogs favourite thing to do on the weekends?

A:  Sleep and visit his “human” cousins and taken for a swim in their pool every weekend.

Q: What is your dogs favourite food or treat?

A:  Dinner – My Dog – Treats: Schmackos on Day Care days; and Chicken Sticks after his walk.

Q: Does your dog have any other pack members at home e.g. dogs, cats, chickens?

A:  No but Penny walks down from 2 houses away twice a day for a play.

Q:  What is the funniest thing your dog has got up too?

A:  Buddy doesn’t know how to dig with his feet!  He digs with his nose.  Where we live the ground is soft and sandy.  Buddy buries all his soft squeaky toys in the ground and it takes us weeks to find them.  By then the squeak is gone, we have to clean them, but he doesn’t care, and the cycle starts again.

Q: Would you like to add anything else about your dog?

A: In Sept 2010 I had a massive bleed on the brain which required surgery.  The 3 hour surgery stretched into a 9 hour surgery.  The outcome was not what it was supposed to be.

So why am I mentioning this? Because this is the start of the life of a little dog brought at a market in Ayr.  Elderly friends of ours saw Buddy and brought him.  He was the runt of the litter, had been badly treated.  Finally, 6 months later when we visited them, they had to get rid of Buddy and we instantly fell in love with him and they rang us 5 days later and asked if we wanted him.  We did.

With any noise Buddy cowed against the wall, with every meal he would grab some food and run away and hide it.  It took several months of constant care for Buddy to start to feel safe.

But then a strange thing started to happen.  Just after Buddy turned 1, it became obvious that he noticed when I was having a seizure.  I was having several bad ones every day.  Buddy delivered a particular bark to alert family of the pending seizures and would run to them barking if they were outside.  He has done this for years and he won’t leave the bed until everything improves.  Even when we are asleep, Buddy knows and will jump up on the bed and bark in my face.

Buddy has never had any training to be an Assistance Dog he just does it by natural instinct.


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